Python is a cross-platform, dynamic, object-oriented scripting language which fits somewhere between Perl and Java in the spectrum of computer languages. I find it ideal for my modest personal coding needs.

These are some of my Python projects. Most of these are somewhat dated, although the W Widgets documentation is still current and valid.

W Widgets

I am working on documentation for the "W Widgets" written by Just van Rossum. At present I have a fairly complete tutorial, and a somewhat less complete (but still useful) reference manual.

MPW and Python

I have written a how-to describing what you need to do to get Python extension modules compiling in MPW with MrC.

Other Projects

Bytecode Hacks

I have contributed a bytecode optimiser to Michael Hudson's bytecode hacks.

"And While" Patch

I have a minor patch to the Python 1.5.2 source which permits the following construction:

and while <test>:

Here is the patch, and here is the package as a tar.gz file.