MAT 707, Section 001
Fall 2005
Location: | CBC 317 |
Time: | MW, 11:30-12:45 |
Text: | Notes will be provided. It is probably a good idea to have a second source for the material: Royden is a fine textbook for this, as are the books by Folland and Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis. |
Website: | |
Instructor: | Corran Webster |
Office: | CBC-B211 |
E-mail: | |
Phone: | 895-0376 |
Fax: | 895-4343 |
To enroll in this course, you should have passed Math 458/658 (or equivalent) with a grade of C or better.
Course Objectives
This course will cover the Lebesgue measure and the fundamentals of measure space theory. We will start by examining the theory in the context of R, and then generalize. Some fundamentals of topology will be introduced as required.
Assessment will consist of homework problems worth 25% of the final grade, a midterm worth 25% of the final grade and a final worth 50% of the final grade.
Missed Assessments
Generally, late homework or assignments will not be accepted; nor will there be make up exams for missed exams. Under special circumstances, however, a student may be permitted to make up work which they were unable to submit, or exams which they were unable to attend. These circumstances include:
- Representing UNLV in an official extracurricular activity.
- Observance of a religious holiday.
- Personal illness or family medical emergency.
If a student is absent from class for any reason, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that they know what happened in the class which was missed, either by asking Dr. Webster or fellow students.
A rough schedule detailing which topics will be covered on which weeks is available on the class website. We may vary from it, depending on time constraints. Any changes will be noted on the class website.
Additional Information
The following suggestions may help you do well in this course:
- Read the material in the text before class. Read actively by taking brief notes as you read.
- Do all assigned homework and attempt all questions.
- Do lots of problems - not just the assigned homework. Learning to differentiate and integrate is a skill, and like playing the piano or shooting hoops, practise makes perfect.
- Ask questions and particpate in lectures and office hours. If you do not understand something, keep asking until you do.
If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will need to contact the Disability Resource Center for coordination in your academic accomodations. The DRC is located in the Reynolds Student Services Complex in room 137. The DRC phone number is 895-0866 (TDD 895-0652).
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